Master J. Michael Rockwell

With 40 years of study in the martial and healing arts, Master Michael Rockwell offers a unique combination of instruction focusing on practical fighting applications, hand and weapon form precision and technique, as well as Qi Gong, standing and moving meditations.

 The name, Spring Wind, was given to Sifu Rockwell by Tai Qi Master, Shirley Wong. Her ancient style of Chinese calligraphy, as pictured in the signature stamp or chop in the upper right corner of these pages, means "the wind of spring"; it helps everything grow and develop their traits freely. Shellee was given the name Spring Rain. This has similar meaning.

 After 2-years of traditional Karate training, Sifu Rockwell began his true journey into Martial Arts training in 1978 (at the age of 13) with the late Grand Master of Kung Fu San Soo, Chin Su Dek (Jimmy H. Woo) in El Monte, California. He received his instructor's degree from Jimmy H. Woo in 1983. When Master Jack Sera inherited the El Monte studio, Michael continued to advance his art, focusing on precision of technique. Michael received his Master’s degree from Juan M. Meza after the El Monte school had closed. Having never lost contact with Master Jack Sera, Michael and Shellee received their Master’s degrees directly from him as well. 

 Since the early 1980s, Sifu Rockwell had the honor of studying with many very talented instructors: 

Ray Zambrana-(Yang Tai Qi, Wing Chun, Escrima), Chin, Ho-(Ba Gua), Charles Lu-(Yang Tai Qi, Old style Tan Tui, Ba Duan Qi) Amy Tong-(Yang Tai QI, Leung Yi, Push Hands, Sword and Qi Gong, and after 25+ years we still visit with Master Amy, my Tai Qi Mom),  Jerry Alan Johnson-(Ba Gua, Nei Gong-internal body work, 13-powers, many meditations) Su, Zi Fang-(Ba Gua, Tai Qi, Xing Yi, Sword and Spear-11 years of mostly private study).    

 After becoming an international forms champion in the 1990’s, Michael instructed a team of advanced competitors that earned multiple gold and silver medals and all around championships.

Master Shellee Rockwell

Shellee Rockwell began training in Kung Fu San Soo under Grandmaster Jimmy H. Woo in 1982. She continued to train under Master Jack Sera until 1998.   Shellee earned most of her degrees with Master Jack Sera and received her Master's degree from Juan M. Meza. Shellee trains with Michael and assists in the Tai Qi, Ba Gua and San Soo classes. She also excels in Staff, Tai Qi Sword and Spear.

 With a professional dance background, Shellee specializes in teaching details of footwork, body alignment and form demonstration. With her strong foundation, Shellee can perform precision technique and move larger opponents with little effort. As part of a competition team that trained under Michael extensively, she became a national forms champion in Tai Qi, Ba Gua, Sword and Spear winning many gold and silver medals in advanced categories.